Helpful Hands Inc. (HHI) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Organization that offers environmental services cleaning to customers who are in need. We have over 50 years of experience and industry expertise providing government and commercial cleaning solutions to our clients. We understand that times may be tough for some and HHI is here to offer a helpful hand to those with disabilities. HHI maintains the CIMS GB with honors. (Cleaning Industry Management Standard) and is a SourceAmerica AbilityOne NPA.
HHI is insured and bonded and has been a producing NPA with SourceAmerica AbilityOne program since 2014.
AbilityOne® Program
HHI is a NPA participant of the AbilityOne® Program, which is a federal initiative to help individuals who are blind or have other significant disabilities find employment. SourceAmerica®, a central nonprofit agency in the AbilityOne Program, oversees a national network of nonprofit agencies that sell products and services to the U.S. government. The AbilityOne Program was created by an act of Congress in 1938 to increase employment and training opportunities for people who are blind or have significant disabilities—through government contracts to purchase products and services. The act that created the AbilityOne Program also established the U.S. AbilityOne Commission® to administer the program, determine which products and services should be placed on the Procurement List and set fair market prices for them. The Commission is also authorized to designate central nonprofit agencies, such as SourceAmerica, to facilitate the federal procurement of these products and services from nonprofit agencies employing people with disabilities.
CIMS GB with Honors
HHI is CIMS GB with honors certified. The CIMS GB with honors designation is an ISSA credential with national recognition for quality. CIMS GB with honors enjoy the pride of recognition of being among the elite in a critical field of healthcare, and CIMS GB with honors is a premier credential based on a sound assessment that provides distinction in an increasingly competitive marketplace. What this means to you? HHI delivers high quality services with highly qualified people!